I always feel stuck in the Mommy Wars. I stay home with my baby, but I do have two jobs which I do part time, mostly from home. While in some ways I know I have the best of both worlds, it often works out to be the worst of both worlds, and judgment from both sides to boot. I've also been a nanny and I know what it means to be the person caring for the lives of another mother's child.
These issues are so complicated, not as cut and dry as they appear to be when looking from only one perspective. Having at least a foot in the Stay Home World, the Career World, and the Nanny World, I believe that Gwendolen Gross has nailed all sides of this issue. Her perspective is nuanced and insightful, right on.
Over at ChicagoMoms, we're doing a book club featuring The Other Mother this week. And right here at Opinionated I've giving away not one but two copies! So, enter to win by leaving me a comment anytime between Monday, October 29th and Friday, November 2rd. I'll choose two lucky winners at random and announce on Saturday, November 3rd.
This Giveaway is also in conjunction with Fall Y'all Giveaways, so once you've left me a comment, surfed over to ChicagoMomsBlog.com for the book club, don't forget to check out the other giveaways going on! (And if you don't win one, stop by Amazon to buy your own copy!)
Oh, and stop by everyday life as lyric poetry for my main blog and my other giveaway...and click here, where my best friend is giving away a ring sling baby carrier!

The "in the middle," is definitely hard. I frequently wish I could have kid-free time to do work, or work-free time to play with the kids!
(I am commenting to comment, not to win, as I have the book!)
Sounds like a great read. Count me in!
I read about this book on MotherTalk. I'd love to win!
I would love to read this book, sound good!
sounds like a really interesting read!
I so know about mommy wars I am so in one as i try and balance my life. I would so love to read this book.
This sounds like a great book! Sign me up!
I heard about this book and wanted to read it. It would be great if I won it!
Thanks for hosting this-sounds like a good book!
This sounds good -- please count me in.
Aren't we all "in the middle"?
emily [at] momminitup.com
Sounds interesting. I would like to read it. Count me in!
I am a SAHM and a WAHM and this would be great to have! Besides, my love for reading far excedes my budget for books so please enter my name into the drawing! ;o)
Would love to have this book!!!
Looks like a great read!
Always up for a good book!
Sounds like a neat read! Enter me, too!
Awesome prize! Please count me in.
Sounds like a great book to read. I would love to enter the drawing. Thank you.
Sounds like a great book... count me in please, Thank you! :)
I have been hoping to read this book.
Great giveaway!
Sounds like an interesting book.
Wow, enter me in please!
I've been dying to read this book! Great give-away! Enter me please. And come enter my giveaways too!
Enter us, please
Kari & Kijsa
this sounds like a great book. I'd love this! Please count me in!
I have been wanting to read this.
I've been hearing good things about this book. Count me in please!
I would love to read this!
Count me in.
I'd love to win this!
Awesome giveaway! I would love to win! Thanks so much!
Count me in! :)
This sounds maaaah-velous dahling! Put me in . . .
It sounds like a great read - for someone who is just starting to get back into reading. . . and loving it!
Sounds good. Count me in
Count me in please! monk5@charter.net
I need a good book to read!
Please enter me. I would love to join in on the book club after the read.
I would love to have this book. Sounds wonderful.
This sounds like a really good book.
Great review - sounds like an excellent book. If I don't win, I'll have to buy my own!
Sounds like a great book. I have seen these little battles go on so many times, it's horrible!... But makes for a good read, I'm sure. ;)
This sounds like a great book... please count me in! Thank you! :)
This looks like such a good book and I would love to win it! Please enter me as well.
Sounds like a good book. Very insightful. afriend@netcommander.com
This sounds like a really interesting book, I would love to read it.
ooh oooh I would LOVE this! my email is
harmstrong.03@gmail.com. Thanks!!
count me in !!! Please!!! Love this!!!
Catherine, it would be interesting to read about how you make it work combining looking after your child and working part-time from home.
Since I know how hard it is, I’m surprised anyone would be critical. Though the whole “Mommy War” thing is beyond my understanding. We all work hard no matter what our arrangement is and require support and understanding, not competitiveness and criticism.
Sounds like a good book. I would love to be entered!
michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com
I'd love this! I've read Gwendolyn Gross' other book, and thought she was a great writer.
THanks for the chance to win.
amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net
I'd love a new book to read!
Please enter me, I'd like to read this.
Please count me in!
I've been hearing alot about this book.thanks for visiting ,have a great day ;=)
More winter reading material - yay! Tossing in my comment for a chance... Thanks!
mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com
Enter me, please. This book sounds intriguing.
I would love this book!
Looks like a great book,I would love to be entered.Thanks
Thanks for the chance to win!
Please enter me. I think we moms always see the grass as greener somewhere else. I would love to read about it. Thanks
please put me in the draw
Excellent review!
I'm a bookworm who would LOVE to win this. Thanks for the chance:)
Mom are put on the back burner a lot of time and my boys are pretty well grown.
Please put my name in the hat for your give away.
Sounds like a good read! Thank you.
Please enter me!
Wow, this is something I struggle with everyday! Thanks for offering the book!
Looks like a really good book, please sign me up!
sounds like an interesting book. thanks for the chance to win it.
This is on my must-read list. Actually, I'm too impatient to wait for it and ordered from my library. Hopefully I'll win this one before the library one makes it in.
Sounds like a good book. Count me in!
This sounds really great!!! Thanks.
This book looks great! Thanks!
Oh, count me in!
I've been wanting to read this book!
please put me in the draw
What a great giveaway. I'd love to win, so count me in. Good luck everyone!
Sounds like a good book!
I would love to read this book! Please count me in!
As a stay at home mum who is considering going back to work I'm trying to decide what is best for me & my son, this book sounds like it may give me a bit more insight into the good & bad of both decisions
This sounds like a great book. I am sort of stuck between the two worlds, too. I do have a job that I work outside the home, but it is only usually a few days a week. The rest of the time I'm home. So most of the time I feel like a stay-at-home mom, but I'm sure real stay-at-home moms don't think of me that way. It is weird that everyone is so adamant that their way is the right way and it is such a hot issue.
That sounds like such a great book! I'd love to read it and pass it on. Thanks!
count me in!
Oh please count me in, this book sounds great!
I loved this so much I blogged about your giveaway - Giveaway Highlights. Please count me in!
Happy Autumn and Good luck to all!
notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com
Would love to be entered into this drawing! Thanks.
This sounds like a book a lot of moms need to read, myself included.
Thanks for the chance to win.
writetome (at) thesilvas (dot) com
I work from home and as a photographer some weekends, so I'm really curious about this book. Please enter me. :)
leia18 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Sounds like a great book!
I would love to win this book! Please count me in. Thanx.
I'm doing a little giveaway over at my place too.
Looks like a great book!
i've been wanting to read this book!
debjohanning at hotmail dot com
I'd love to read this title. I am a stay-st-home mom but I feel each mom has to make their own choice about what is right for her family.
Blessings to you-
I've heard of this book and I'd really like to read it . . . Thanks for the giveaway!!
I'd love to read this.
Theresa n
I'd love to read this - count me in!
Looks like a great book!
Please enter me!
sounds like a great book, count me in!
Please count me in. Great giveaway!
This is fabulous, please count me in! Thanks:-)
kpuleski [at] gmail [dot] com
Yes, please!!
Nice gift. texkathy@netcommander.com
I have heard great things about this book!
This book sounds like exactly what I need right now. Very cool.
mamaredhead [@] gmail [.] com
This sounds like an interesting book! =)
I'd love to win! Thank you.
Interesting read! I'd love to win. Please enter me. :)
I seen this book for review in one of my parenting magazines I recieve and have been wanting a copy so bad. Great great giveaway.
Enter me please.
count me in, please!!!
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