Monday, September 29, 2008

Sesame Street....K'nex!

I was first introduced to K'nex during the year that I worked as an Au Pair in Switzerland.  My 5 year old boy was a K'nex fanatic, and together we built some truly amazing structures.  As soon as I had a boy, I began to look forward to his K'nex stage ( wasn't foremost on my mind as soon as I had him know what I mean).  

So, I'm happy to say that K'nex has recently started a new line, just for 2-5 year olds...Sesame Street K'nex!  

Our set is "Ernie and Bert" and it has all the pieces for his little hands (or, Mommy) to put together Ernie and Bert, with enough extra pieces to allow for some creativity.  The plastic pieces are a bit on the cheap side, but they are big, colorful, and chunky to allow him to begin building.  He loves it!  
You can go here to find out more.  Have fun!